Utility of fauna rescues: contributions to the natural history from small mammals of Laguna del Maule


  • Jorge Mella Avila Cedrem Consultores, Padre Mariano 82, oficina 1003. Santiago, Chile.




Rodents, Abrothrix hirta, Paynomys macronyx, microhabitat, Andes mountains (36° S), Maule Region


In Maule’s Lagoon (in the Maule Region), and as part of an energy project, a rescue of micro-mammals was carried out in the summer and autumn of 2014. From this study, information on the natural history of the six most abundant species was obtained. 440 specimens were rescued, with Phyllotis darwini being the most abundant species, with 198 specimens (48.10% of the total), followed by Abrothrix hirta, with 157 individuals (34.97%). When comparing the abundances in the three altitudinal floors, changes are observed in all species. Thus P. darwini, is more abundant and is the dominant species on the lower floor (1,400-1,500 masl), gradually decreasing on the upper floors, while the opposite case is presented by A. hirta, whose captures increase with altitude, being dominant on the upper floor (2,100-2,200 masl). Paynomys macronyx and Euneomys chinchilloides are rather andean species, since they are scarce or absent at low altitude, and their relative abundance increases with altitude. Females of P. darwini were larger and heavier than males. Regarding the use of microhabitats, a differential use of each microhabitat by altitude range was observed, with the majority being used scrub on the low floor, while on the upper floors rocks and hydrophilic scrub are used. Almost all the species show flexibility to the use of different available microhabitats, except P. macronyx, a species that is observed in a greater proportion in the hydrophilic scrub in the three altitudinal floors, which would indicate preference. This study is an example of the complementary utility that wildlife rescues can have, to contribute to the knowledge of the ecology of micro-mammals in Chile.


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How to Cite

Mella Avila, J. (2021). Utility of fauna rescues: contributions to the natural history from small mammals of Laguna del Maule. Boletín Museo Nacional De Historia Natural, 70(1), 5–19. https://doi.org/10.54830/bmnhn.v70.n1.2021.199