Necropsia de Ballena Franca Austral, Eubalaena australis y consideraciones sobre manejo de la especie


  • Jhoann Canto Red de Avistamiento de Cetáceos (RAC) Comité Nacional Prodefensa de la Fauna y Flora (CODEFF)
  • Pamela Ruiz Red de Avistamiento de Cetáceos (RAC) Comité Nacional Prodefensa de la Fauna y Flora (CODEFF)
  • Juan Carlos Cardenas Red de Avistamiento de Cetáceos (RAC) Comité Nacional Prodefensa de la Fauna y Flora (CODEFF)



The Southern Right Whale Eubalaena australis (Desmoulins, 1822), was drastically diminished through the massive captures practiced during the eighteenth and nineteeth century. This species was put under international protection in 1936, and since then is only occasionally seen around th e Chilean coast. The arrival of a female right whale and newborn at Los Reumbes beach (37R12'S - 73R35'W) VIII Region, Golfo de Arauco, in Chile, may point the beginning of a resettlement of its former domains. The permanency of two specimens allowed the recollection of behavior, photografic identification, morphometric and reproductive data. The process of upbringing was not completed due to human intervention that indirectly lead the calf to be stranded at the beach. This note evaluates the responsability of human action, and gives through the necropsy information about morphometric and reproductive aspects of this specimens.


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How to Cite

Canto, J. ., Ruiz, P. ., & Cardenas, J. C. . (1991). Necropsia de Ballena Franca Austral, Eubalaena australis y consideraciones sobre manejo de la especie. Boletín Museo Nacional De Historia Natural, 42, 105–111.