Nuevo hallazgo de Alsodes verrucosus (Philippi, 1902) en Chile y descripción de su larva (Anura: Leptodactylidae)


  • Nelson F. Díaz Departamento de Ciencias Ecológicas, Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Chile
  • Herman Núñez Sección Zoología, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural



Animals recently recollected in South Chile are assigned to Alsodes verrucosus (Philippi, 1902), and the species is redescribed herein; the specimens are the first recollected in the country after those used for the original Philippi's 1902 description. The larvae are described for the first time. Diagnostic features of this species are: doublé extemal metacarpal tubercle; comeous callosities only on the first finger of hands in males; dorsal skin warty. The animals were collected in Wellington Island (Lat. 50°S), being the southemmost locality for a species of Alsodes.


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How to Cite

Díaz, N. F. ., & Núñez, H. . (1988). Nuevo hallazgo de Alsodes verrucosus (Philippi, 1902) en Chile y descripción de su larva (Anura: Leptodactylidae). Boletín Museo Nacional De Historia Natural, 41, 87–94.