Insectos epigeos de ambientes altomontanos en Chile central: algunas consideraciones biogeográficas con especial referencia a Tenebrionidae y Curculionidae (Coleoptera)
The epigeic fauna of the high mountain environments of Central Chile was studied, based on recolections on 5 stations that were largely sampled both, Andes and Coastal Range, and reviewing all the available litera tu re. The Coleoptera Tenebrionidae and Curculionidae showed the highest species richness and were always associated with the cushion-type vegetation of the high altitude steppes. 57 Tenebrionidae, 42 Curculionidae, and 37 other insect species were listed. A total of 1,187 individuals were collected. The geographical distributions and characteristics of their habitats are also recorded. The possible mechanisms that could explain the actual distributions of the cited Coleoptera are discussed. Curiously, most of the species showed low densities. A higher number of endemic species was found in the Costal Range, and it can be attributed despite others factors, to the geographical isolation among populations.
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