Composition and seasonal variation of the birdlife present in the Rucamanque Ecological and Cultural Park, Araucanía Region, Chile


  • Ricardo González Vásquez Universidad de la Frontera
  • Francisco Manquehual Cheuque Universidad de la Frontera



Abundance, Birds, Diversity, Rucamanque, Seasonality


It is essential to know the avifauna of a region, whether at broad or local scales, because based on this data, different actions can be generated for various purposes, ranging from simple knowledge to eventual management. To provide robust scientific evidence that contributes to the knowledge and conservation of birds, we investigated the effect of seasonality on the richness and abundance of bird species within the Ecological and Cultural Park Rucamanque, a Priority Site for Biodiversity Conservation of the Araucanía region. From October 2018 to September 2019, 12 sampling campaigns were conducted to evaluate the richness and abundance of diurnal and nocturnal avifauna at 41 counting points distributed within the Park. A total of 3,130 birds belonging to 49 species were observed, of which 32 were identified as permanent residents, six as summer residents, two as winter residents, and nine as sporadic. Of the 49 recorded species, nine were not reported in previous studies. Differences in composition were observed in their richness and abundance, which varied according to seasonality. The results value the Park as a Priority Site for Biodiversity Conservation, as it hosts a rich community of birds, and confirm the need to monitor the state of populations, as they are under constant anthropogenic pressures.


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How to Cite

González Vásquez, R., & Manquehual Cheuque, F. (2024). Composition and seasonal variation of the birdlife present in the Rucamanque Ecological and Cultural Park, Araucanía Region, Chile. Boletín Museo Nacional De Historia Natural, 73(1), 45–54.